Step Toward Better Foot Health By Visiting A Podiatrist

If you've been letting foot issues change your habits, such as avoiding the beach because of embarrassing-looking feet or quitting jogging because it causes pain, it's time to take ownership over what has been bothering you. The first step toward a solution for your foot-related issues is often an appointment with your local podiatrist. Regardless of the problem you're dealing with, the podiatrist will be able to provide relief that can, in turn, boost your overall quality of life. Read More 

Important Information For People Taking Corticosteroids About Diabetic Retinopathy

If you are taking corticosteroids for managing inflammation associated with diseases like arthritis, you should know that long term use of cortocosteroids has been found to induce Type II diabetes. Unfortunately, the Type II diabetes brought about by steroids is permanent and will need to be managed for life. If you take corticosteroids, making sure you know the symptoms of diabetes is extremely important because you could go blind if they are left unchecked. Read More