Prevent Mild Asthma Attacks That Are Triggered By Pollen And Strenuous Exercise

If you are susceptible to mild asthma attacks, triggered by pollen and strenuous exercise, the following tips will assist with protecting you from an attack while hiking. Consult With Your Doctor And Take Medication  Set up an appointment to consult with your doctor before you leave for the hiking excursion. Let your doctor know your plans and ask them if there are any precautions that you should take beforehand. They may suggest that you use your inhaler right before you leave to go hiking to help ward off an asthma attack. Read More 

Adjusting To The New You After A Facelift

Many people imagine the excitement of revealing a more youthful appearance after a facelift, but the joy becomes dampened by the recovery effort or unhappiness with the final look. This is a natural part of the process and plastic surgeons often counsel their patients about the potential emotional effects. To avoid disappointment people should prepare themselves for what life will be like after they reveal their new look. Any type of change takes time to adjust to, but there are things women can do to make the process easier. Read More 

Dealing With Dad: How To Help An Aging Parent Cope With Limitations When Living Alone

If you have concerns about the health and safety of an aging parent, you are far from alone. In fact, recent statistics show that approximately 30% of adults who have at least one living parent are providing some type of care or support for them. Many of these adults are dealing with a situation where their elderly parent chooses to live alone, yet requires assistance of some kind in order to do so safely. Read More 

To Reconstruct Or Not To Reconstruct? That Is The Mastectomy Question

Many women who go through breast cancer treatments get either single or double mastectomies to remove the breast tissue and rid themselves of their cancer. While the decision to have the mastectomy can oftentimes be an easy one because it can rid you of your cancer cells, the choice of whether to go through a breast reconstruction procedure is not always as straightforward. There are many factors to consider when making the decision about breast reconstruction. Read More 

4 Reasons to Talk to Your Doctor about Your Period

Every women's monthly cycle is different, but there are some things that are normal for you that may actually be things to concerned about and that aren't normal for other women. There are some signs to take note of that you should bring up to your doctor, including the following four items. Heavy Flow: Although you may have a heavy flow that you are used to, you should definitely tell your doctor if your flow is much heavier than it usually is. Read More