You Can Recover from Type 2 Diabetes

3 Questions To Ask Before You Choose An Urgent Care Clinic

For many patients, urgent care centers can fill a need that isn't being filled by traditional doctors' offices and emergency rooms. Where do you go when your pediatrician's office is closed for the weekend and you're pretty sure that your child has strep throat? Where can you go when you have a sprain that needs to be treated before you go into work the next day, but your doctor's office is closed for the night? Read More 

A Twisted Ankle Or Something More? Causes Of Your Mysterious Ankle Pain

As you go about your daily life, whether you are at the gym, at work, or walking out your front door, your ankle can suddenly twinge, twist or give out on you, causing you pain, inflammation, and discomfort. When this happens, you likely try to just shake it off and move on with your day. However, more often than not, that sudden ankle pain tends to linger. While you may think you just twisted your ankle and the problem will resolve itself, this may not be the case. Read More 

Neck Liposuction Removes Fat To Restore A More Youthful Appearance

You hear a lot about face lifts and other facial treatments that improve appearance, but what bothers you most when you look in the mirror is your neck and double chin. You wish a doctor could get rid of the excess fat in those areas. Your wish has come true. A dermatologist can perform liposuction that removes excess fat under the chin and in the neck to give your neck and chin a more youthful and shapely appearance. Read More 

How Ear Wax Changes With Age And Affects Your Hearing (With Or Without Hearing Aids)

The composition of ear wax varies widely from person to person, from young to old, and from one race/ethnicity to the next. However, one thing holds true, and that is ear wax in old age either increases due to the amount of hair growing out of the ear canal or it hardens, blocking up your ears and preventing you from hearing properly. Worst of all, you may think you need hearing aids when in fact you may just need cleaner ears. Read More 

Abortion Is NOT The Only Option: Resources Available For Those Who Choose Life

Being pro-life is not always an easy decision. Choosing to offer your child life, even in a difficult situation, can be hard. However, there are resources available to help if you choose not to have an abortion. Whether you decide to give the baby up for adoption, or keep him or her, here are some of the options and resources available to provide assistance. If you choose to give the baby up for adoption: Read More