You Can Recover from Type 2 Diabetes

How PRP Injections Can Help With Scar Tissue Pain

Surgeries and various types of treatments often cause a myriad of side effects that can be hard for some people to handle. For instance, scar tissue may trigger a pretty broad array of different pain types, each of which can range in intensity from minor to severe. As a result, it is necessary for these individuals to get treatment like PRP injections to manage this issue and avoid serious pain and other symptoms. Read More 

What To Expect From A Heller Myotomy

If you suffer from achalasia and are tired of struggling to swallow, then it could be time to consider surgery. There are a few different procedures ENT surgeons may use to release the esophageal sphincter muscles and restore your ability to swallow. One of the most common of these is the Heller myotomy. Here is what you can expect if your ENT surgeon chooses this approach for you. You'll be put under general anesthesia. Read More 

3 Ways to Avoid Ruining Your Weight Loss Plan

Almost any weight loss plan can be effective, but the real challenge is sticking to a plan. Using these tactics can help you avoid giving up and sabotaging your progress. Exercise Before Meals Exercise is tricky when you are trying to lose weight. One of the challenges of doing exercise to burn more calories is that physical activity will often increase hunger, which can be difficult to combat. Additionally, exercise does not burn enough calories to truly negate poor food choices. Read More 

The Pros and Cons of Switching From the Pill to an IUD

If you are currently using birth control pills, you might be wondering if you should switch to a different method of birth control. One that has become quite common as of late is the IUD. Many women benefit from switching to the IUD, but it's not for everyone. Here are some pros and cons to ponder as you decide whether you should make the switch. Pro: You don't have to remember to do something every day. Read More 

How Can A Physical Therapist Help You Heal From Runner’s Knee

Runner's knee is one of the most annoying injuries you can develop as a runner. The soreness comes and goes. As soon as you think you've recovered, it comes back again. If you just run through the injury or cut back your mileage for a while, it can take months to get rid of this ailment. Thankfully, there is another option — physical therapy. Here are some ways that a physical therapist can help you recover from runner's knee. Read More